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HiVelo Grants

All applicants must read the following guidelines.

Grants are available to young cyclists of all abilities in the North of Scotland. Ability is not a determining factor for our grants. Only for the Stars Award is ability significant, though it is age related.

General information

Other support         For all awards, applicants must declare the nature of any other support agreements, formal or informal, they currently have in place.

Stars Award       1st January in the year of 14th birthday to 31st December in year of 17th birthday.

Ivor Fund            Up to 31st December in year of 20th birthday. Lower age determined by the facility.

General Fund                    1st January in the year of 14th birthday, to 31st December in year of 20th birthday.

Groups                 Trustees will consider mixed age groups.

Travel support        If requested, reimbursement is at 15p per mile and is normally available for longer distance travel outside the applicant’s home area.

Charitable status    As a charity, applicants for the General fund and the Ivor fund must demonstrate a need.

Contact                     mailto:john.m.macmillan@btinternet.com with applications or queries

Trustees                    When considering a grant, the Trustees may exercise their discretion on any matter at any time and their decision will be final.


Application details required

Individual or Group Name

Group Name

Age if applicable and address

Contact address

Email of parent or guardian (for under 18s)

Describe the activities of your organisation

Indicate equipment/ clothing/ travel/ other

Location of activities (if applicable)

Location of activity (if applicable)

Purpose of any grant applied for

Description of item(s) (travel, clothing etc)


Description of activity (racing, training etc)


Summarise your recent racing (if applicable)


Summarise aims for the future (if applicable)


Any other information you wish to supply e.g. tell us about yourself


* Applications or questions in an email please. It is useful for us to receive the above details in the order presented.

General fund

This fund is for support requests that do not match the criteria of the Stars Award or the Ivor fund. In addition, groups who provide cycling activities for disabled or minority groups may also apply. For these groups the Trustees will consider mixed age groups and their decision will be final.

For individuals, support may be requested for items like cycling equipment, clothing, travel to races or coaching sessions. If unsure whether you qualify, please ask. Similarly for groups, please submit your request for consideration by the Trustees.

Ivor Fund

This fund commemorates the life and sporting prowess of the late Ivor Reid, a very popular and successful figure on the Scottish and British cycling scene. He was a Scotland Commonwealth games track manager and prolific winner of British Masters championships on the track. He achieved his dream of becoming a world champion in the team sprint at Manchester in 2006.

The aim of the fund is to generate interest in track racing among young cyclists in the North. Supported activities include

  1. Travel and track fees at a recognised track
  2. Rider track training
  3. Rider track racing
  4. Qualified coaches working with eligible riders on the track
  5. Rider track accreditation sessions

Please apply to john.m.macmillan@btinternet.com giving the following information, for each person, in an email.



Date of activity

Location of activity

Travel start point

Description of activity (racing, training, coaching, accreditation etc)

Track fees (expected cost)


Stars Award

Unlike our other awards, we are looking for a young rider who, taking age into account, shows exceptional promise, a desire to improve, and who is physically and mentally ready to take that step.

Four times a year a rider is selected for this award. Applicants should supply in an email a summary of their recent performances and realistic cycling objectives for the next two years.

The award is intended to help the recipient meet essential expenses in progressing to the next level. This may include cycling related travel / accommodation, sports clothing, cycling equipment, or specialist coaching/ training support.

Recipients will be required to provide occasional feedback to HiVelo, reporting their progress. This information may be used for publicity purposes. Nominations may be submitted to john.m.macmillan@btinternet.com

Closing dates for 2024 Stars Award applications

March                  17 March 2024

May                      19 May 2024

July                       21 July 2024

September          22 September 2024

Nominations may be made by the rider, parent / guardian or club.

HiVelo is a charity governed by the rules of OSCR (Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator). Their guidelines indicate that grant applications must demonstrate a need.







Finn Crockett

Ben Wyvis CC



Kyle Cartmell

Forres CC



Alasdair Munro




Jed Scott

Moray Firth CC



Fin Graham

Ben Wyvis CC



Jamie Edmondson

Wolfpax Riders



Georgia Mansfield




Angus Fraser

(Cromarty Firth CC)



Karra Laing

Mikes Bikes Aviemore



Ava Luce

Forres CC



Tyler Clare

Inverness Cycle Club




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