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HiVelo is a member-based organisation and the Trust welcomes applications to join from anyone aged 16 or over who supports the aims and objectives that are set out in the charity’s Constitution (clause 4).  Individual memberships cost £10 per annum (£20 for a family).  If you are a UK taxpayer then please also complete the voluntary Gift Aid section as this recovers additional funding from the Treasury.

Cycling Clubs are particularly encouraged to subscribe (£50) and those affiliated to Scottish Cycling have additional voting powers which control the election of Trustees and the organisation’s direction of travel.

Please return applications forms and payment to the Secretary at the address shown on the downloadable files below.  Wherever possible, we encourage members to also complete a direct debit form and drop this into their own bank in order to activate future subscription renewals.





Support the Trust

You can help HiVelo to fulfil its velodrome mission and support young cyclists here in the North by making a donation to the cause.  And if you are paying income or capital gains tax here in the UK, then the Trust can reclaim an extra 25% back from the Treasury to add to your gift.  See how to do this by downloading the form below.  Your help is much appreciated.





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